Planetary System Editor


Geolocation: Default (Greenwich, UK) 

Planetary system settings


Position x in percents:

Position y in percents:

Star settings


Preview Image:

Wiki url:


Surface texture:

Diameter [au]:

Standard gravitational parameter

Axis right anscension [degres]:

Axis declination [degres]:







Basic navigation:

Left panel: preview of your planetary system that you're constructing.

Right panel: all settings related to planetary system.

SPACE BAR: Pause/resume time


To set the position, press the button "Set position", after that Milky Way galaxy will be opened at full screen, allowing to set a point of our new planetary system.

Creating new space object: to create new planet/moon/asteroid/comet press a button with plus symbol in the dedicated box for that space object.

After pressing, you can now press on your newly added space object to view and change it's settings.

Applying changes to space objects: changes to space objects are only visible after pressing apply button dedicated to that object.

When applying and if some of the values are not entered then default values of the not entered ones will be used and set. In some cases this non-set value will be calculated using other values.

Submitting changes planetary system:

After all of the above was done, you can submit new planetary system by pressing button "Submit changes to planetary system".

IMPORTANT: New changed planetary system will not be shown after submiting changes.

At first changed planetary system will be set for moderation to check whether data that has been used to update/change planetary system data is verified by NASA or not.

If changes for planetary system has passed the moderation, new changed planetary system will be shown in "" with position that has been set in the "Planetary system settings".

UP ARROW KEY: Toggle chase mode on focused object
DOWN ARROW KEY: Set to current time
ESC: Release focus on object
F2: Hide/show UI panels
F8: Hide/show extra time info

CLICK ON LABELS: Shift focus to object and display info
LEFT/MID/RIGHT MOUSE + DRAG: Rotate/zoom/translate around focus
SCROLL WHEEL: Zoom to focus

Press left mouse button to set the new planetary system position in Milky Way galaxy.


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Product made by Elias Lucky for NASA Space Apps Challenge 2024