Geolocation: Default (Greenwich, UK) 
MJD:   •  LST: °

Epoch (MJD): 
Semimajor Axis: 
Orbital Period: 
Inclination: °
Orbital Velocity:  km/s
Radius:  km
Absolute Magnitude: 
Distance from Star:  AU

Axis right ascension: °
Axis declination: °
Radius:  km
Standard gravitational parameter: 
Orbital velocities of the planets are being calculated by using star standard gravitational parameter, if it's zero, then velocity will be zero.

Set Time and Geolocation

Valid date range: 9999 BC to 9999 AD.
Use negative year values for BC.
Time in 4-digit military time
Use decimal degrees for lat/long,
negative values for west or south


SPACE BAR: Pause/resume time
UP ARROW KEY: Toggle chase mode on focused object
DOWN ARROW KEY: Set to current time
ESC: Release focus on object
F2: Hide/show UI panels
F4: Hide/show celestial sphere
F8: Hide/show extra time info

CLICK ON LABELS: Shift focus to object and display info
CLICK ON INFO HEADER OR IMAGE: Learn more on available source
LEFT/MID/RIGHT MOUSE + DRAG: Rotate/zoom/translate around focus
SCROLL WHEEL: Zoom to focus

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Product made by Elias Lucky for NASA Space Apps Challenge 2024